The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan organization whose sole purpose since 1983 is to end homelessness in the United States. The group uses research and data to find solutions, works with federal and local partners to create policies and resources to support the solutions, and helps communities to implement them. The Alliance has advocated successful strategies that include permanent supportive housing, rapid re-housing, systematic data collection and use, coordinated assessment and entry, local systems, and crisis systems. While the Alliance has helped to see declines among the homeless, including chronic homelessness, veterans, and families, the need is still great.
Your donation will continue the Alliance's work to help all who are experiencing or trying to avoid homelessness, including families with children, veterans, the chronically homeless, and those displaced due to disaster, illness, joblessness, or gentrification.
To learn more about this organization, visit their website at:
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