Special Olympics, the world's largest sports organization for children and adults with intellectual disabilities and physical disabilities. The group is a global movement that is focused on creating inclusivity through year-round training and activities for 5 million athletes ranging in age from 2 to 99 (!) in the US and partners in 172 countries. Special Olympics delivers high quality training and competition through Unified Sports, which allows for people with and without intellectual disabilities to play on the same field, as well as social inclusion opportunities through Unified Schools and opportunities to build basic skills at age 2 through Young Athletes.
Your donation supports the joy and transformative power of sport as well as programming for sports, health, education, and community building to address inactivity, stigma, isolation, and injustice with the ultimate goal of driving social change that enables full social participation for people with intellectual disabilities.
To learn more about this organization, visit their website at: www.specialolympics.org
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